30 Humorous Comics About Ancient Egypt By Tut Comics

Have you ever wondered what it was like to live in ancient Egypt? Well, Tut Comics can show you exactly that with a humorous twist. 

Tut Comics create fun and entertaining illustrations showing characters living in ancient Egypt, interacting with Gods like Ra, Bastet, Anubis, and many more. The characters go on many adventures together.

The creator incorporates many modern themes in their stories, so the comics are quite relatable. Tut Comics also teach some fun and little-known facts about the traditions, culture, and history of Egypt.

More info: Instagram#1 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report35pointsPOST

IzzieM11 hours ago

Bastet has a very boop-able nose…11ReplyView more comments#2 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report31pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

RUN9ReplyView More Replies…View more comments

Tut comics told us what inspired them to create these comics: “Honestly, the biggest inspiration for the world would be the RPG and adventure videogames of the mid-’90s, as cliche an answer as I bet that is for the people behind a webcomic. We wanted to build what felt like a living, breathing world where anything could happen, and the fantastical nature of Ancient Egypt with all its myriad mysteries and deities was just a perfect fit.”#3 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report31pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

damn… if only this worked so well9ReplyView More Replies…View more comments

In these comics, there are many well-known deities. Like Ra, the God of Sun, Order, Kings, and the Sky, who was believed to be the ruler of all. He is portrayed with a falcon’s head.

Anubis the jackal-headed God is the one that presided over the embalming process and accompanied the dead to the afterworld. Anubis also placed hearts on one side of a scale to see if the heart was heavier than a feather. If it was rejected, the soul would not go to the Field of Reeds.

Bastet was the Goddess of protection, cats, medicine, fertility, music, and art, but also warfare and warriors. She is portrayed as a cat-like creature.#4 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report29pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

funny8ReplyView more commentshttps://e8228f6902199d7407e7755eaff4ae44.safeframe.googlesyndication.com/safeframe/1-0-38/html/container.html

“Our primary goal is just to establish this half-fantasy half-inspired-by-fact world, sort of like a canvas where we can tell a hundred different types of stories if we so choose. If there’s a secondary goal, however, it’d be to bring the Ancient Egyptian pantheon of gods into the entertainment mainstream – there’s tons and tons of books, TV shows, and games all exploring every last bit of the Greek and Roman pantheon, but Ancient Egypt seems to get consistently overlooked. We’d like to change that.”#5 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report27pointsPOST

Dizzy Falcon9 hours ago

Good thing warrants are more specific6ReplyView more comments

There are many comics here on Bored Panda. Here are some about everyday problems, and here are some sarcastic comics that will probably make you think or just confuse you. Here are some funny and clever illustrations to brighten up your day a little bit and last but not least, some illustrations about feminism, patriarchy, and society, if you want something more serious.#6 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report26pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

both work, both work4Reply

There is a team working behind these comics and they told us more about themselves: “Mohamed and I had the idea for these comics together, but we knew full well that neither of us would ever be able to draw them. So we went outside and found an artist who we thought could bring the world to life – that was Rick, our original artist. Eventually, Rick had to unfortunately leave, and we collaborated with some temporary artists before eventually setting on Angelica as our new permanent artist, as she has been for over a year now.

Beyond that, Karnak Studios (which is us) is also busy creating our first mobile game starring Tut and set in the world of the comics, so our game dev team has even more people on it. But for the comics, it breaks down these days as me (Kayvan) doing the writing and Angelica doing the art, while Mo spearheads the development of the game.”#7 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report26pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

damn. what’d you do?6ReplyView more comments

They told us what the most difficult parts of creating these comics are: “I think there are two different answers to this before you’ve really got two classes of problems with a daily comic strip: the macro and the micro.

On a macro level, the biggest challenge isn’t what I thought it would be – I suspected going into this that the biggest problem would be coming up with raw ideas, as a new comic every single day at least sounds like it’s going to stretch you pretty thin creatively. But that actually hasn’t been nearly as big an issue as I thought. Instead, on the macro level, my biggest issue is often balancing the different corners of the world we want to express as I’m writing and scheduling the comics for the month. We have a lot of different characters and a lot of interesting things to do with all of them, so it can be difficult to find just the right tempo in bouncing between them all on a day-by-day basis. You don’t want to have so many comics about the deities that you forget about Tut and his friends, and you don’t want to have so many comics about Tut and his friends that you forget about the Pharaoh, and you don’t want to have so many comics about the Pharaoh that you forget about…etc, etc.

On a micro level, paring each comic idea down to only its most essential parts is always a challenge. You can see that a lot in some of our earlier comics I think – it took me a while to really get the hang of editing down the thesis of each individual comic into a clear, crystallized idea that was easily expressed. And with such a limited amount of panels, you need that level of focus, or the comic is just quickly going to become bloated, which in turn quickly makes it unenjoyable.”#8 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report25pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

yes sir10ReplyView more comments#9 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report24pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

haha- mf i’m gonna curse you now2ReplyView more comments

“We try to strike a balance between relatable human themes, big-picture history, and the awe and wonder of the mythological stories (focusing largely on how the mythology would impact the world of Ancient Egypt as we’ve established it). 

Additionally, over the last year, we have introduced two weekly non-fictional features. The first is Mythology Monday, where we take stories from Ancient Egyptian mythology and just directly illustrate them. The second is Factual Thursday, where we take real history and historical facts from Ancient Egypt and bring them to life similar to how we do so with Mythology Monday. Our fans have loved both features, and they’re a nice change of pace from our usual comics.”#10 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report23pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

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Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report23pointsPOST

Ian Koch8 hours ago

ok how did she manage to get hit by the rock ALL 3 TIMES.5ReplyView More Replies…View more comments#12 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report23pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

the starvation6ReplyView more comments

If you ever wanted to create your own comics here’s some advice for you: “Always lead with a character-centric approach. A lot of people build out all the lore for their world and want to desperately make sure everyone in the audience sees how much work they put into it, but the truth is that if you lead with the world and the lore, you’re purposefully working with a handicap. People love interesting worlds and they love great lore, but they’re not hooked by it – they’re hooked by character. So you should absolutely build all that out, but don’t lead with: lead with character, and let the characters slowly shine a spotlight on all the different parts of the world you’ve constructed.”#13 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report23pointsPOST

Thomas Afonso8 hours ago

This made me choke on my chicken nuggets5ReplyView More Replies…View more comments

The creators of Tut Comics share a little more about their personal life: “Mo and I actually met in Egypt – although I’m originally from the UK, I moved there when I was 6 and lived there until I moved to the US at the age of 18, and we initially bonded over playing the old DOS game Lemmings on a computer at school. From there we moved to bigger games and bigger worlds, and spent most of our childhood lost in some fictional adventure or another, all the while taking for granted that we also had all the wonder and mystery of Ancient Egypt so easily accessible to us. Just being in that environment, we definitely picked up an interest in history and mythology, and one day as grown adults in our mid-20s we decided to let all that mythology we had soaked up in our childhood inform the creation of our world. Well, semi-fictional world, I guess.”#14 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report22pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

b i t c h4ReplyView more comments#15 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report22pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

quarantine8ReplyView More Replies…View more comments

“Remember to Follow us on Instagram, and if you want the latest updates on how the Tut mobile game is shaping up in development come over and join our Discord server! You can even sign up to be a beta tester.”

What do you think about these comics? Did you learn anything new about Ancient Egypt? About their culture, history, or traditions? Tell us in the comments down below and don’t forget to upvote your favorite ones and share the article with your friends! Also, go show some love to Tut Comics and give them a follow on their social media!#16 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report22pointsPOST

Arctic Fox Lover7 hours ago

Poor Horus5ReplyView more comments#17 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report21pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

yes0ReplyView more comments#18 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report21pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

powerful3ReplyView more comments#19 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report21pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

ariel?1ReplyView More Replies…View more comments#20 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report20pointsPOST

Night Owl3 hours ago

Don’t shoot him! Poor moon-guy3Reply#21 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report19pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

i agree with the horse1ReplyView More Replies…View more comments#22 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report18pointsPOST

Alexander Albon1 hour ago(edited)

He then dies from the power0ReplyView more comments#23 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report17pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

you might wanna start running, buddy6ReplyView more comments#24 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report16pointsPOST

𝕁𝕖𝕟𝕟𝕪𝔹𝕖𝕖3 hours ago

That is so funny! Lmao0ReplyView more comments#25 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report15pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

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Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

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Iso11 hours ago

like that, i’d assume5ReplyView more comments#27 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

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Alexander Albon1 hour ago

The birds are scared of big Khepri0Reply#28 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report14pointsPOST

McPanda2 hours ago

The issue with this statement is that neither cares enough to make the other unhappy. So this just keeps going because they don’t want to accidentally say something the other hates or won’t like2Reply#29 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report14pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

worry about it.4ReplyView more comments#30 

Comics Artist Creates Humorous Comics About Egypt (137 Pics)

thedailytut Report13pointsPOST

Iso11 hours ago

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Note: this post originally had 136 images. It’s been shortened to the top 30 images based on user votes.

Follow Bored Panda on Google News!Share on Facebook51 Aelita SenvaitytėAuthor, BoredPanda staff

Aelita is a Community Manager for Bored Panda. She helps people’s articles see the light of day so that they can express their creativity freely. She enjoys art, playing guitar, and writing creative stories. On lazier days you can find her playing video games or binging a TV show. Read more »Show All Contributors

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